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In My Pocket
Your secure personal vault for everything that matters
An iOS app that securely stores and organizes all your personal information. - Flexible organization with tabs and sections - Secure sensitive data with biometric authentication - Built-in Markdown support, QR code generation, and OCR text recognition
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Increasingly, our phones contain important data from our lives - financial information, photos, loyalty cards, etc. Every time I need to share my bank details with someone, scan a loyalty card at the supermarket, or upload my documents for Airbnb, it's a repetitive and frustrating experience. Although there are different ways to store this information, I've never found something that was both simple and secure. Another aspect is the privacy of this data - I wanted it to remain only on the phone. In fact, the app works completely offline, doesn't connect to the internet, and doesn't share any data with any cloud platform. It doesn't even sync with other devices. That's why I created In My Pocket - to have everything at hand and easily accessible. Let me know what you think!