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Huudle AI Project Assistant

Connect meetings, track to-do, get aligned

Connect all meetings and messages around the same topic in a single space, track key points via AI-generated short highlights, video message your short updates on any progress, and let AI follow up on the actions. Link your meetings with AI assistance. šŸ¤–

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Hey Product Hunters! šŸ‘‹šŸ» I'm Mehmet, co-founder of Huudle, and we are super excited to introduce you to our "AI project management assistant" šŸš€ We got tired of isolated meetings and discussions that hurt project flow and effectiveness. Thus, we built Huudle to make project alignment and follow-up much easier šŸ¤© Huudle connects information from various meetings under the same project in a single space, updates, and guides you about the project at any time. Here's how it works: šŸ¤– Huudle AI bot joins your meetings, captures key moments, and creates 3-5 minute video highlights. šŸ“¹ Video messaging lets you send quick updates between project meetings, keeping progress on track. šŸ’¬ Comments & drawing provide an easy way to contribute to project progress. āœ… AI Todo list guides all participants on "what's next" actions. Think of Huudle as a GPS for your team, connecting project meetings and discussions like waypoints and providing a clear map of your project progress. We're still early in our journey but have already helped around 2000 users streamline their meetings and project management chaos. The future of work deserves easier alignment and collaboration, and we're working hard to make overall project alignment an automated task that you never have to worry about again. Our team is here to answer all your questions throughout the day. For direct contact, reach out to me at [email protected] or Parilti at [email protected]. Hope you love using Huudle! šŸ’œ Looking forward to your feedback! Thanks for your support!