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HTML to React

Turn a design from any website into your own

Turn the internet into your component library with our HTML to React browser extension. Convert snippets of any website into a React component. Use the Magic Patterns editor to customize and iterate. Export to code or Figma.

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👋 Hey Product Hunt! It's been almost exactly a year since we launched our first product in the design tooling space. Over this time, we noticed a common workflow: Copying existing design patterns to code or Figma, and then customizing them to your own product. We would constantly see folks with a website pulled up side-by-side with their IDE or Figma slowly recreating websites manually... we figured there had to be a better way. Introducing HTML to React. Here's how it works: 1. Enable the HTML to React browser extension 2. Select the element on the page you want to copy 3. Boom! You get the React code that is also exportable to Figma 4. You can further use the Magic Patterns editor to further customize + edit the component with AI Let us know what you think — we're shipping new versions every week and would love to build for you! - Teddy & Alex