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Product upvotes and comments

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Product vs the next 3



Gather 1000+ user interviews without your hand in it

Let AI handle user interviews, freeing you to focus on bigger tasks. Simply set your objectives and the voice-AI conducts user interviews for you. Share a link just like a survey and users can join anytime, from anywhere!

Top comment

Hey Hunters!👋 Working as a User Researcher and Product Manager in several startups, I’ve encountered numerous people who argue that “user interviews are too expensive,” “user interviews don’t yield a good ROI,” and “I want to hear user voices, but I don’t have time.” There were some tools and techniques that slightly improved the productivity of user research, but none worked perfectly. It was frustrating, especially coming from someone who left a decent job in a tech-centered domain to return to school to become user-centred product makers. After meeting with more than 50 people who struggled with the same problem, I realized that people need insights to make an impact, not more tasks. Therefore, I built a tool designed to help makers like you focus on insights from user interviews without spending additional time. With our tool, you can conduct concise user interviews (under 30 minutes). Based on the user interview data stored, you can immediately apply insights to product or independently conduct more complex research(e.g., observations and field studies) I hope it will enable you to truly hear ALL user voices to make real impact on your product ❤️