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The missing piece between ⌘+C ⌘+V

Hammer transforms your clipboard data into something else. No more searching for Base64 conversion, Encryption/Decryption, QR to Text,.. the list goes on. Select a hammer and strike it. Your clipboard data will then be transformed. Easy.

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Hi everyone! I have been a developer working on others products and solutions but never my own. This time I decided to work on something that I always wanted to have. It's a developer tool I call it Hammer. I noticed that in my daily work, I tend to repeat the same things. For example decrypting AES-GCM data, decoding base64 data. A lot of copy, alt+tab + pasting which takes up a lot of time. There are individual tools online but all didn't fit my needs. Hence I built my own. It has been an awesome time coding it and I aim to launch it in the coming 2 weeks! Let me know your thoughts on the product and if you see yourself using it! Here are 3 license key specially for Product Hunt. It unlocks all features + lifetime updates. Hope you like it! Direct Download through the website Do post a comment to say you've taken the key so others know! 1. FBB324E9C29852776E082AEDE212CF359D7008EF0A18E6F0431FA61A653484DC 2. 99BECEBB01DC611BCFEFAD59AD2F99B75C08A822A3548DFEC9391D262E38837D 3. 4F90260FC3016DE24919C0D302AA29204D9C4A6D3FABBF34C1796C704B936459 --- App Store, redeem the gift code. Do post a comment to say you've taken the key so others know! 1. NFKXJTWEFNFX 2. J6HMWFEEY97R 3. 9M96P4TWMLTL 4. KFJM9JTP6LX9 Follow me on X @jackmakesapp as I will do drop some keys on and off. Jack