Introducing GoatSign 2.0: Elevate your signature process with advanced capabilities. Organize collections, collaborate with teams, templates, signing sequences, reminders, expiry dates and much more. Embrace the future of seamless signatures!
Hello, Product Hunters! 🖋️
We developed GoatSign to address the pain points of complex signature workflows, aiming to provide you with a seamless, time-saving experience.
In GoatSign 2.0, we've introduced signature collections, team collaboration, templates, signing sequences, reminders, and expiry dates. These powerful additions are specifically designed for those of you who work in teams and want to automate the signature process effortlessly. We want to make your lives easier and your signatures more efficient than ever before!
We can't wait to see how GoatSign 2.0 transforms your workflows and saves you valuable time. Your feedback and thoughts mean the world to us, so please feel free to share your experiences with the new version. We're excited to hear your thoughts and make GoatSign even better together! 🐐
Excitement is an understatement - we're thrilled to embark on this journey with you.