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Go index me!

Get indexed by Google and stay indexed

Go index me! automatically scans all your URLs and politely asks Google to index them. ✅ Automatically index 2000 pages/day ✅ Automatically inspect up to 2700 pages/day ✅ Automatic sitemap updates ✅ ♾️Unlimited sites and search consoles

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🙀 The problem: I've created some great content but it's not getting indexed. This is not a robots.txt issue or a sitemap.xml problem, this is just Google being Google. 🧀 The solution: If only there was a way to politely ask Google to index all my pages on a regular basis. 📣 Go index me! is a product I've built to scratch my own itch. I own multiple web properties with thousands of pages each, and they were stuck at around 10% indexing for over 3 years. Features, a.k.a. the things I needed: ✅ up to 2000 URLs indexed per day ✅ up to 2700 URLs inspected per day ✅ regular sitemap updates ✅ ♾️ unlimited websites ✅ ♾️ unlimited search consoles ✅ 💲 predictable & affordable pricing 🎉 Now my websites are 100% indexed by Google. 💎 Transparency Unlike other similar indexing products, you have access to absolutely everything our bots do in your admin interface. If it's not there, it didn't happen - and it's all in plain English. Logs are kept for up to 60 days.