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Extra color shades for Tailwind CSS

Ever felt like the 11 color shades in Tailwind were not enough? Wished there was a gray-975 or a blue-550? Have a look at the free tool! Want easy access to every single shade from 0 to 1000 for every single Tailwind color? Have a look at the paid plugin!

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Hello hunters! 👋 I'm excited to finally launch the product I've been pouring my heart into for the last few months - fullwindcss. As a frontend dev and design enthusiast, I've always felt a little constrained by Tailwind's default color palette. Don't get me wrong, the core colors are great and I’m definitely keeping them untouched, but I often found myself needing just a tiny bit more variety to nail those final design touches. That's why I created fullwindcss. It comes in 2 flavors: - The free online tool lets you find any color shade in between two tailwind color shades. Want something darker than zinc-800 but lighter than zinc-900? The tool lets you copy paste that zinc-850 you're looking for. - The paid tailwind plugin unlocks the full 1,001 shades for every single tailwind color. Craft beautiful dark mode variations with classes like `bg-indigo-980`, add vibrant accents with `text-green-350`, or give your elements outline strokes like `ring-blue-150`. Under the hood, it uses the CIELAB color space to build cohesive color scales. You get perceptually uniform progressions with zero harsh jumps or muddy mid-tones. I've been using this extensively in my latest side projects, and it's been a game-changer for achieving premium, polished look without any context-switching between tools or complex color manipulation. Just clean, perfectly calibrated colors that work out of the box, boosting creative output. It's been a labor of love, and I'm thrilled to share it with the community! Really looking forward to your feedback!