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Featherless AI

Run every πŸ¦™ AI model & more from πŸ€— huggingface

Featherless is a platform to use the very latest open source AI models from Hugging Face. With hundreds of new models daily, you need dedicated tools to keep with the hype. No matter your use-case, find and use the state of the art AI model with Featherless.

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Hello Product Hunters! πŸͺΆ I'm super excited to launch Featherless.AI today! A platform that allows quick access to all the top πŸ¦™ models you see in Hugging Face πŸ€— today. From the 8B to the merged 11B's and Qwen-2 72B's I know it's daunting for folks to download and set up all these large models on GPUs to try them, one at a time. Also renting GPUs can be incredibly expensive as it's typically several dollars per hour. On the flip side, popular providers may not have the various finetune, or even weird model sizes that you would love to try. That's why we built featherless AI. To eventually download and provide access to **all** of hugging face public models. Making all the various open-source AI models more accessible. Starting with a simple $10 or $25 monthly plan, with unlimited usage (within the concurrency limit). So anyone can use it personally, across any model, without worrying about token pricing in their day-to-day usage. Also: as the team who also helps build open-source foundation models (hey RWKV folks!), we fully understand the concerns various folks have over data security and privacy. As such, has no logging of any of your message prompts and completion. Why? Because we are not interested in stealing your data to train our models. So use it any way you want to, dun let someone else tell you how you should use your AI models. πŸͺ„ The magic behind it? At the heart of it, is a custom-built inference infrastructure, built by the team here from Recursal.AI : which was built to be able to dynamically hot-swap models in sub-seconds. Allowing us to rapidly autoscale and dynamically adjust our infrastructure based on what models are popular. Once we have the models downloaded into our cluster. This allows us to provide more models, where previous providers have been limited in ensuring every model hosted has a dedicated GPU for it. πŸ’¬ In summary πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ Run any of over 450+ huggingface models πŸ› οΈ OpenAI compatible API, use your existing tools or client πŸ“ˆ Unlimited usage (within concurrent usage) πŸ¦™ Starting at $10/month for <15B models πŸ¦… To $25/month for 72B models 🎁 Special for PH: Signup with a subscription, and add referral `[email protected]` for $10 off your next month bill Feel free to ask me anything here on the product hunt launch! And give it a try with a free trial, which allows you to chat with the models (up to a limited amount of messages) at