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Let's create a pan-european startup entity

Europe – we need your help. Please sign this petition to create a pan-european legal entity for European Startups. The goal is to remove complexity & beaucracy for founders and investors across Europe. Effectively uniting the European ecosystems.

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Hey folks Andreas here, i was founding team of Product Hunt and its first CTO. We are doing something special today - we launched a pan-european petition that aims to fix Europe for startups. The very first step in fixing Europe for startups is to get rid of the national silos we all face in our ecosystem. Ever wondered why it's so hard to raise money in your country in Europe? Because angels from neighboring countries would barely invest in your country - usually due to not wanting to deal with your local legal+tax systems. The outcome is that in Europe less than 18% of all early investments is pan-european, where-as in the USA coast-to-coast investing is super common. But we can fix this. How? By creating a shared legal entity as a standard across Europe. Think US Delaware Inc + YC SAFE notes but for Europe - it's obviously more complex in practice but it's doable (see ) And even more rare - there is very strong political will to make this happen. What we as the startup industry need to do is to show that this is a #1 priority. We got 6 weeks until the work agenda of for the next Commission (think years of work) is defined. We need to make our voice heard and quite literally get everyone of the European Startup Ecosystem to sign this. You, me, everyone in your team, your investor, everyone in your portfolio's teams, the founders in your whatsapp, slack and discord groups. Everyone. If we speak up together. We can create a pivotal improvement for startups - quite like the biggest improvement for European Startups in our generation. Among the first co-signatories are people like Patrick (Stripe), Taavet (Wise), Index Ventures, Sequoia, Atomico, and hundreds more - and we just started yesterday! We have 6 weeks to make this happen! This petition is for anyone who wants to make Europe more startup-friendly - hopefully you included! Please go to and sign now!