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DockFix 3.5

Reimagine your macos experience

Version 3.5 now features notification badges, reserve screen space to prevent apps from overlapping the dock, website shortcuts, custom app icons, smoother animations, redesigned user interface and much more to be better than ever!

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Hi, I'm Gustav, the creator of DockFix! 👋🏼 After weeks of hard work, I’m thrilled to announce the release of a major DockFix update packed with tons of exciting new features to redefine your macOS experience! This is one of the biggest updates we’ve ever released, and I couldn’t be more excited to share it with you, so I really hope you like it! 🎉 Here's what's new: 1. Reserve Screen Space: Many of you have been asking for a setting to prevent apps from overlapping the dock. Now, we have finally introduced this and once enabled, all apps are resized and positioned automatically to never overlap the dock! 2. Notification Badges: You've also been asking for notification badges since the release of the very first version of DockFix and I'm excited to announce that this version has that too! 3. Custom App Icons: We've also made a proper way to apply custom app icons to any apps on the system including the native ones you otherwise couldn't! 4. Website Shortcuts: Create a link to any website in the dock and have it show up like it's own app with an icon of your choice, but open the URL in your browser of choice. 5. Spacers: You can now also better organize your dock using spacers to separate apps. Another feature you've been waiting for! 6. Redesigned User Interface, Smoother Animations, Bug Fixes