As a software developer, you've probably struggled to get your dev tool seen among a sea of unrelated products. That's why we created DevHunt - a platform made specifically with developers in mind. It's also Open Source.
Hey fellow devs!
I'm excited to introduce you all to DevHunt - the platform built by us developers for showcasing our dev tools.
We've been in your shoes as we struggled with getting our own products seen on Product Hunt and other platforms.
It just felt not fair - non-dev products would crowd out everything we worked hard on!
So, we decided to take matters into our own hands.
As developers ourselves, we aimed at creating a better launchpad exclusively tailored towards developer tools – where every vote counts and authenticity is upheld through GitHub authentication.
And then came the plot twist: what if instead of keeping this project closed-source, why not make it open-source? This way anyone can have their own dedicated launchpad in hours!
Our mission with DevHunt is simple - empower developers worldwide by providing them with an accessible space where they can showcase their work without distractions while fostering community ownership among contributors!
Join us today at DevHunt- our space built BY developers FOR developers!
Core contributors: @sidi_jeddou @vitalik_may @igorboky @chris_byrne