Simplify desk booking and manage your hybrid workspace
Who is coming to the office? Who is sitting where? How much office space is unused? deskbird helps answer these questions in just a few clicks. A complete solution for hybrid companies.
Hello everyone 👋
I'm thrilled to have deskbird, an innovative workplace management app, on this platform that allows makers to showcase their product to the right audience.
We created deskbird to tackle the challenges that come with managing a hybrid workplace with user-friendliness as the main focus. If you have been working for a hybrid company or managing one, you know how chaotic it can be to coordinate who is coming to the office and when, where will they sit, and which meeting room will they need, etc. and to avoid all that, deskbird is all that you need!
As @ivan_cossu mentioned, we started deskbird after closely hearing the pain points of companies going hybrid and since then, we have been committed to creating the best solution that help companies adapt the hybrid way of working seamlessly, increase team collaboration and even reduce office cost.
deskbird supports English, German, Italian, Spanish, Ukrainian, French, Dutch and other languages will be added soon. It is also available as a mobile, web, Slack, and MS Teams app.