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Let AI build your next SaaS application

Our goal is to help anyone with a SaaS business idea succeed in launching their app. Databutton's AI developer builds the app you need, with state-of-the-art React frontends and Python backends, based on your natural language instructions.

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Hi everyone! I’m Viral Shah, a co-founder of Databutton. This is our first ProductHunt launch 🚀 We’re a team based in Oslo, Norway that are on a mission to help anyone with a business idea succeed in launching their product or app. Databutton is an AI app developer that builds the product you want on your behalf. You describe your app in natural language, images, and diagrams and Databutton generates the necessary React frontend and Python backend code. This is not only for an initial app generation, but the continuous working model. Our platform is designed to empower you build fully custom SaaS apps that you can charge for. With Python as the backend, your app can connect to any API, model, or even do web scraping, utilizing complex data and logic. It's one-click to deploy and we support deployment to custom domains. Our customers range from indie hackers with some coding know-how that want to launch a product idea in a week to domain experts (e.g. doctors, lawyers, marketers, and more) that previously worked with freelancers to bring their ideas to life. Databutton has an active Discord community with over 1,000 members. We focus on learning, sharing, and improving prompting techniques to get the output you want. The community also discusses business ideas and feedback for the Databutton team. You can join using this invite: It’s free to get started using Databutton – our pricing model is credits-based where each credit is a successful AI code generation. You can sign up for a paid plan once you run out of free credits, and we’re offering a special 20% discount on all plans to Product Hunt users! Thanks, we're happy to answer any questions 😊