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Creators' AI

The most practical AI newsletter for creators and makers

Creators’ AI is a Community newsletter for Creators, Makers, Entrepreneurs, and everyone who builds something new with AI. Absorbing and featuring best content for creators & makers: 1) AI Tools 2) Real life/work cases of AI 3) AI News

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Hi PH! 👋 I am Daniil from Creators' AI. Together with our early subscribers, we've been working on a new exciting community of AI Creators for the last few months. We're so stoked to share it with you today: Meet Creators' AI, the most practical AI Newsletter for creators and makers ✌️ 🤖 Why Creators' AI? We recognize the struggle of keeping up with the latest advancements while also ensuring the integrity and usefulness of your data streams. Amidst the barrage of information and the ever-looming FOMO about AI, we sought to create a digest that's not only informative but also manageable and directly applicable. 👉 Practical only - Just simple short-form posts with ready-to-use data to improve your work, learn new tools, or build something new with AI. 🛠 Tools - We absorb the best AI tools across many channels like PH, HN, and Tweeter to bring the most useful tools to you. 📖 Cases- We share the most fascinating and inspirational cases that push our imagination on what can be built with AI 🤯 🤩 Get Tools, Cases, and News for Free Creators' AI offers practical AI insights, serving as a one-stop source for AI lifehacks, real-world use-cases, and digestible knowledge nuggets designed for quick consumption. With thrice-weekly updates, you're guaranteed a consistent flow of fresh, enlightening content. ⚡️ Paid Subscription Get access to regular featured Tools and Cases to boost your work and life with AI. We save up your hours of surfing the web and giving early access to tools that will hype next month. 🚀 What’s next? We are building a community for creators and makers who are changing the world with AI. Our next step is to build a space for exchanging ideas, co-creation, and p2p education. Stay tuned and feel free to contribute! 🤑 Today's discount: 20% off Creators' AI Annual Subscription To celebrate our PH launch we're offering 20% off Creators' AI Subscription, for the first 12 months. Grab your subscription until the 2nd of June. 🧡 Let us know what you think! Creators' AI is a Community Project so we need your feedback! Share your ideas for improvement, and content ideas and participate in the community. Join us in the comments! Daniil from Creators' AI