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Covey Scout Inbound

Bringing human-level nuance to AI candidate screening

Covey Scout Inbound: Bringing human-level nuance to AI candidate screening. Define your ideal candidate, and Covey generates custom AI bots per role, instantly pinpointing the best-fit 5% for each role. Recommended for both mature and scaling orgs alike!

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Pumped to be hunting Covey's Scout Inbound today. The average tech role receives a staggering amount of applications, to the tune of 500, up 3x from last year. For in-demand roles, it's in the several THOUSANDS! As an employer, and I’ve felt this pain intimately, it's imperative to identify the best talent quickly and deliver a high-quality candidate experience. However, lean talent teams are struggling to sift through this kind of volume while providing a fantastic experience. Enter Covey. Vijay and the team have built the first intelligent AI assistant that screens candidates with the nuance of a human. As the strategist behind your role, you can set the criteria & fine-tune the Covey bots to scout for the best fit while maintaining complete visibility into the decision-making process. Scout Inbound will evaluate candidates' profiles with the nuance of a seasoned recruiter(you!), identifying the cream of the crop – the best-fit 5% – in an instant. Whether you're a fast-growing team looking to scale recruiting the right way from the get-go or a mature organization looking to leverage AI to streamline recruiting ops, this is a MUST. Try it out and let me know what you think.