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Open-source platform for in-app AI chatbots and AI Textareas

The open-source Copilot platform. Featuring <𝐂𝐨𝐩𝐒π₯𝐨𝐭𝐏𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚π₯ /> for in-app AI chatbots that can "see" and act in your app, and <𝐂𝐨𝐩𝐒π₯π¨π­π“πžπ±π­πšπ«πžπš /> to bring AI-writing to any textarea. For devs, by devs with love❀️

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Hey Product Hunt community 🌟 We are the team behind CopilotKitπŸͺ -the open-source Copilot platform. Working with AI by your side is a magical experience - an extension of our human agency. We personally want AI Copilots everywhere and believe they are coming everywhere. Yet building simple AI features like chatBots and textfields remains unnecessarily difficult - we built Copilotkit to make it easy and to help developers unleash AI in their products. Our library has two components: πŸŽ†CopilotPortal: in-app AI chatbot that can "see" the current app state + take action inside your app. The AI chatbot can talk to your app frontend & backend, and to 3rd party services (Salesforce, Dropbox, etc.) via plugins. πŸ“CopilotTextarea: AI-assisted text generation. Drop-in replacement for any textarea . Autocompletions + AI editing + generate from scratch. Indexed on your users' content. We are open-source and developer first. Currently built for React apps, but hoping to expand that in the future. Join our discord to connect with us and our awesome community, and to follow what we're cooking πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ³ Thank you for checking out our launch and for supporting the new product journey🫑 Cheers, The CopilotKit team πŸͺ