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Competitor Research

The fastest, easiest way to find and research competitors

Meet Competitor Research, the all-in-one tool that helps you discover and research your competitors. Get a comprehensive competitor research report for a one-time fee, with SEO, marketing, pricing, product and many more insights.

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Hey Product Hunters, 👋 Super excited to introduce Competitor Research to the Product Hunt community! Imagine a tool where you enter your company website and then get the most comprehensive competitor research report on the internet. Here's what you get in your competitor report: 🔍 Search traffic 📊 Keyword research 🔗 Backlinks + analysis 💲 Pricing analysis 🕵️ Competitor reviews 🎯 Target audience analysis 🚀 Much more to come! If you have any feedback or features you'd like us to add, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] 🚀