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The world's first MPC wallet with non-custodial card

COCA Wallet: where MPC security meets non-custodial card. The only self-custodial wallet with no private key vulnerability, now with a debit card. Empowered by MPC, always recoverable, never hacked.

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Dive into a realm of innovation with our groundbreaking fusion of MPC security and a non-custodial debit card, a first in the industry. This unique blend not only delivers unmatched safety but also unfolds a realm of spending flexibility right at your fingertips. With the assurance of a never-hacked environment, COCA Wallet is not just a wallet, it's your secure gateway to the financial freedom that cryptocurrencies offer. Experience seamless transactions, robust security, and ease of mind knowing your assets are protected in a fortress that stands unbreached. Ask us any questions you have