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A store locator map for your brand

Closeby is to store locators what Stripe is to payments - an easy way to get the UX right for your customers without the engineering hassle of getting a million little invisible things right. Configure, design & publish a store locator for free.

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Hi PH community! We built v1.0 of Closeby almost 8 years ago to solve a problem for a family member’s Squarespace site. They wanted a store locator for their website, but the options available were pretty basic and came with a lot of UX issues. So we did what design-UX nerds do best: get obsessed with the problem and iterate continuously on our (now 15k+) customers’ feedback. Today, Closeby makes a bunch of little things about the store locator experience great. Things like… - Does the map theme (colors, textures, layers, map pins) match my site UI & brand? - Is the map interaction and scrolling experience easy? What about on mobile? - How do I load a map and a bunch of locations without affecting my page’s load time? - How can I add/remove/edit my locations easily? - How do I make my visitors’ experiences frictionless for things like… - Getting directions to locations - Customizing a location’s call to action - Serving visitors the sites nearest them (…without invading their privacy) - **Can I solve all of these UX challenges for my site visitors without becoming a mapping engineer?** Closeby is our proposed solution to all of those problems (and a few others as well 🙂). I’d love for you to check it out if you need a store locator. **It’s free for up to 5 locations**, so you can test it out and make sure it fits your use case without having to put in a credit card.