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Stay in sync across time zones

Clockwise is a beautiful app for tracking the local time of friends, family and colleagues around the world. Whether you’re an expat, globetrotter or remote worker, Clockwise will help you stay in sync across time zones!

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Hey everyone! 👋 I’m Brittany, the solo developer behind Clockwise. After many years spent traveling and living abroad, keeping track of time zone differences became a daily hassle in order to stay in touch with my friends and family back home. It inspired me to create this handy little app in order to help myself and others easily check the time of loved ones around the world. Clockwise is like a world clock except the focus is on people rather than locations. Not only can you check the local time of your loved ones but you can add photos, link your contacts and get in touch with people directly from the app. Clockwise also uses actual sunrise and sunset times to display beautiful sky backgrounds that change in real-time so that you can quickly see at a glance if someone is likely awake or asleep. This app has been a side-project and a way for me to learn app development, so it is completely free with no subscriptions, ads or in-app purchases. I hope you enjoy it and that it helps you as much as it’s helped me. If you have any feedback or suggestions on how Clockwise could be improved, I would love to hear from you! Thanks for your support! Brittany