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Daily text check-ins, remain independent but never alone

CheckinBee will check in with your loved one each and every day via text message. If a check-in is missed, their designated care circle will be automatically notified to check on them. Two week free trial and then $14/m.

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Hello Product Hunt! I'm Adam, the solo founder of CheckinBee. Often life gets in the way of keeping in touch with our aging parents as much as we'd like. I know this is true for me. Having moved to the US from England, visiting my mother a few times a week soon became having a video call once a month. Like many elderly people living alone, my mother is fiercely independent and doesn’t want her family to be worrying about her. Although in her mid-80s, she is healthy, goes swimming twice a week, lives in her own home and loves life. I built CheckinBee to ensure that our family had peace of mind that our mother was ok every day, especially when it could sometimes be a week between one of our family speaking with her. I made sure that the app could communicate with a wide circle of family and friends, so that if my mother ever missed a check-in, her friends and family living locally could check in to ensure everything was fine while also keeping me informed. CheckinBee hasn’t replaced regular calls, but has simply supplemented the communication and care for my fiercely independent mother. I'm very excited to launch CheckinBee into the world and provide this peace of mind to others.