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Camel AGI by SamurAI

Role playing of autonomous AI agents to solve a given task

Make AI agents chat to each other in real time given your own topic. Watch the agents as they discuss, collaborate and solve a particular task.

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Hey PH Community, 👋🎉 Super excited to share Camel AGI in the browser with you! 🌐 This tool was created to let everyone watch role paying AI agents collaborate to solve a task . 🤖 Camel AGI is like a 🎭 role-playing method for 🔄 loop architecture of 🍼BabyAGI & AutoGPT. With 🐪 CAMEL, you get ✌️ two agents, and you assign them special roles. After that, just 👀 watch them 🤝 collaborate and 🧠 work together to 🎯 solve your task. 🧰 Use-cases of CAMEL AGI 🤖 Conversational AI: Enhancing dialogue systems by making them more dynamic and context-aware through collaboration between specialized agents. 🎮 Gaming: Developing non-player characters (NPCs) that can interact with players and each other in complex and engaging ways. 📚 Education & Training: Simulating discussions between experts to help students learn from different perspectives and thought processes. 🏭 Collaborative Problem Solving: Creating agents that can work together to tackle complex problems in areas like engineering, business, and science. 🎨 Creative Writing: Generating dynamic and interactive stories by having agents assume roles of different characters and collaborate on plot development. 💼 Business Applications: Developing decision-support systems that simulate the collaboration of different departments or experts to provide well-rounded solutions. 🌐 Social Simulations: Modeling group dynamics, public opinion, and decision-making processes in various contexts, such as politics or economics. 💬 Language Learning: Simulating native speakers with different linguistic backgrounds to help learners practice conversation skills and gain exposure to diverse language use. 👻 How it works You can setup a community in just 3 steps 👇 ☝️ Sign-up using your Google account ✌️ Enter the role of Instructor and an assistant and topic of discussion or task 🙌 Start the discussion 🚀