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Braintrust AIR

The world's first AI recruiter

Braintrust AIR - the first end-to-end AI recruiter. Experience end to end AI assisted recruiting: job description generation, matching, screening, and now interviewing.

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Recruiting today takes months! That's months of wasted productivity, additional work to your day job, and sifting through unqualified candidates. For talent it's effort without feedback, and no opportunity to improve. @usebraintrust 's mission is to change hiring for good. We did that by welcoming talent worldwide to join, apply for high-quality jobs, and connect with peers and professionals they look up to for career coaching in the Professional Network. This way, they can not only get a great job but also get personal coaching to land that next career aspiration. Our objective is to become the career destination, not just the job one. Today, we're simplifying the recruiting process further through end-to-end AI—welcome Braintrust AIR. Clients have been able to leverage AI job creation for months, and 40% do, saving them days in back-and-forth. Clients get matched to good and great matches, moving typical fill times from 17 days to 12 days. That's over 30% time savings. And now hiring managers and recruiters can interview candidates through Braintrust's AIR—Braintrust AI Recruiter. The first of its kind. Time-saving, candidate quality, candidate representation that goes beyond the flat resume, and the ability to interview the runner-ups too. Talent has been endlessly asking for interview feedback. AIR doubles as a career coach, providing feedback on the interviews candidates had and giving candidates the ability to practice interviewing through mock interviews. The Future of Recruiting is Now!