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Brain Mimic

Your thoughts to email in one click

It is a browser extension that enables you to add content from your email or any site by selecting and saving it. This allows you to write grounded emails, Slack messages, or input on any site with just one click, without the need for any additional prompts.

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Hey there, Product Hunters! 👋 I'm super excited to introduce you to Brain Mimic - a browser extension that writes emails just like you would, all with a single click! 🚀✨ 🙋‍♂️ When I launched Keep it Shot on Product Hunt, the demo video was tweeted by the Product Hunt account, which got some incredible attention, but it also meant three days of non-stop repetitive emails and customer support. 😴 Acknowledging the same bug reports, refund requests, and feedback inquiries over and over again was exhausting! 💡 That's when it hit me - what if I could automate this process using multimodal LLMs and my past typings? And thus, Brain Mimic was born! 🧠🎭 🔍 Brain Mimic is a browser extension that enables you to add content from your email or any site by selecting and saving it. This allows you to write grounded emails, Slack messages, or input on any site with just one click, without the need for any additional prompts. I'd love to hear your thoughts. Vignesh 😊 EDIT: I just posted it on Reddit and got a lot of heat for recording user typing. I just removed that feature and added a new one where you can add content from any site by selecting, right-clicking, and hitting "Add to Memory". The extension has just been published, so it may take some time to reflect on the store.