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Bonfire Journey

The first financial app that grows with you

Visualize your unique finance roadmap with Bonfire. Get a personalized retirement plan, financial health metrics, and budget & net worth predictions. With this in-pocket advisor and financial educator, managing money will be simple at any life stage!

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Hey :) We’re so excited to be launching Bonfire!

We've listened closely to your feedback on meeting your financial needs, and packed it neatly into an app. We don't believe in a one-size-fits-all model, so we wanted to make a product that adapts to your unique life stage and goals. We also strongly believe that the key to financial success is to look ahead and focus on big-picture financial planning since the past can't be changed! Your bank already provides tools to analyse your past expenses, so you don't need an app for that. But with our unique approach, you'll have a personalized financial roadmap and the power to make a real change!

If you want an app to input your every expense like a spreadsheet, Bonfire might not be for you. However, if you want:

  • An in-pocket advisor

  • A personalized retirement plan

  • Financial health metrics

  • Budget and net worth predictions

  • A financial educator

Then that's exactly what we do!
But most importantly, we answer your important questions such as: How much do I need to retire? Can I afford my dream home? Should I cut back on eating out? Can I go on vacation every year? Will I reach FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early)? Should I aim for a higher-paying job? When should I start saving for my kids' college?

Most people don’t have a clear picture of their financial future and would really benefit from accessible and personalized planning without hiring a financial advisor.

We're growing the app feature by feature based on your support, so let's discuss your needs! Check it out and let us know what you think! ✨