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Find the tasks you enjoy: track, rate & align

Keep Track Of What Fulfills You, Reclaim Your Time, Align With Your True Desires, and Live Blissfully, Without Hours of Reflection.

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Hey, Product Hunt community! 😺 Over the recent months, I’ve dedicated my efforts to creating BlissCompass, an app for those of us feeling lost in the daily grind and yearning for a life that resonates with our true desires. After refining it with beta users, I’m thrilled to introduce you to BlissCompass! 🚀 BlissCompass isn’t just another time tracker. It’s an innovative tool designed to align your day-to-day activities with your deeper desires, offering features like… → An intuitive rating system that allows you to gauge your enjoyment and alignment with each task → Smart indicators highlighting tasks that drain or uplift you → Work-life-relationship ratio tracking to maintain equilibrium → ...and much more! The app is accessible at no cost, and we’ll keep it that way.❤️ I’m excited about the roadmap ahead, which includes enhanced role management, deeper insights into task fulfilment, targeted advice for life alignment, and so much more. BlissCompass has already been a beacon for many, guiding us back to a life filled with joy and purpose. I believe it can enlighten your path, too, or maybe someone you care about! 🙏 Does the quest for a purposeful and joyous life resonate with you? Could BlissCompass or another tool light your way? I’d love to hear from you! 😊👇