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Expense management for film, TV, music & event productions

We automate financial tracking for project-based work like Film, TV & Event productions. Issue crew cards, scan receipts & approve expenses. Backdrop lets you monitor spending, manage inventory, pay vendors & create financial reports - keeping you on budget.

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Hey Product Hunt! 👋 This is Akanksha from Backdrop. 🙋‍♀️ What is Backdrop? Backdrop is a global software and payments company designed for project-based work, including Film, TV, Commercial, and Event Productions. We help productions manage their expenses more efficiently and save over 70% of the time wasted on financial reporting. 👷‍♀️ Why We Built It? Currently, productions rely on Excel and outdated, fragmented software to manage billions of dollars in expenses. This leads to delays, poor spend visibility, and budget overruns. Our founding team experienced these production challenges firsthand, inspiring us to create Backdrop using our 10+ years of expertise in entertainment, technology, and finance. We built a modern solution that centralizes all expense data -—from petty cash and card spending to purchase orders, inventory, and vendor payments. With Backdrop, all it takes is a quick photo of your receipt. 🔥 What We Offer With Backdrop's mobile app and web dashboard, you can: - Issue virtual and physical p-cards instantly, with customizable limits for crew members. You can also track cash and third-party card expenses. - Gain real-time cash flow visibility against your production budget. - Enjoy automatic expense and petty cash reconciliation. - Generate and approve purchase orders, and pay vendors directly from our platform. - Create expense envelopes and manage approvals. - Track live inventory and carbon emissions. - Produce accounting and tax credit reports in your preferred format. 💰 Product Hunt Promo We're offering our software for just $50/month to Product Hunt users who sign up for our cards—saving you thousands of dollars every month. Interested? Visit to sign up for a demo or email us at [email protected] for more information. We’d love to hear from you! 🧡