Integrate stories & other growth tools in App or website
AppStorys allows you to integrate growth tools like Stories, Short Videos, Floaters, Banners, Coachmarks, PiP Videos, CSAT, Quizzes, Surveys and more in your App or website in less than 30 minutes
We're super excited to launch AppStorys on Product Hunt! 🚀
AppStorys is here to simplify and supercharge your app or website’s growth journey. With our platform, you can effortlessly integrate tools like Stories, Short Videos, Floaters, Banners, Coachmarks, PiP Videos, CSAT, Quizzes, and Surveys—all in under 30 minutes.
If you have an App or website, we highly recommend you checkout AppStorys. These new tools added to your App or website in less than 30 minutes will boost engagement and other key metrics of your App. You can use our powerful dashboard to setup campaigns, view analytics and more!
We'd really love for you to try our product and your feedback means a lot. For all Product Hunt users, we are giving 30 days as a free trial. Looking forward to your valuable feedback and support.