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Share your music taste without using sh**ty song links

We hate texting song links to talk about music. So we made Anthems - a platform fueled by your Spotify data that lets you share what you stream and connect with others. Preview Anthems on web or go full sicko mode in our app.

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Alright everyone, it's about to be a wrap for the first Anthems Launch Day! We're beyond touched by the excitement & positive feedback around what we're building. We really feel that we have a special team, a unique product and a bold vision and are thrilled to witness you all expressing that same vibe!! Please follow us and stay tuned for what we have coming down the pipeline! Before we drop HUGE thanks to @thisiskp_ for hunting us, to my brilliant fellow makers @jack_diz & @jacob_leibowitz and of course the passionate users and supporters that made this launch day really buzz.