Alfred 5.5 is now available, with the huge exciting addition of the Grid, Text, Image and PDF views that bring your Alfred results to life in a whole new way!
Hi, I'm Vero, Alfred co-founder 👋
Alfred 5.5 is a huge release; With the Grid, Text, Image and PDF Views, you can present your results in Alfred in a whole new way!
You can see some of the highlights of what's new in Alfred 5.5 here:
To show you how you can use these new objects, we've created a few workflows:
The ChatGPT / DALL-E integration workflow ( uses the interactive Text View so that you can ask ChatGPT your question, get streaming results in-line and continue the conversation with further questions. You can also use DALL-E in-line for image generation.
The Thumbnail Navigation workflow ( primarily uses the Grid View; Browse your files, images and folders visually in Alfred, and preview images, PDFs and documents in-line.
We've also created a Memory Pairs game ( Test your brain with a card-matching game. It saves your current state so you can come back to it later to finish your game. 😆
These new views are already being integrated into more existing popular workflows, many of which are included in the Gallery. As well as these, You'll find hundreds of curated, verified workflows created by our team and community workflow creators on Alfred Gallery (
As ever, our forum community is always there to help you pick or create the best workflows to suit your own working style and productivity habits.