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Loading LLM Playground

Vibe-check many open-source and proprietary LLMs at once

A no-code LLM playground to vibe-check and compare quality, performance, and cost at once across a wide selection of open-source and proprietary LLMs: Claude, Gemini, Mistral AI models, Open AI models, Llama 2, Phi-2, etc.

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Hello Product Hunt community! 🚀 We're very proud to introduce the LLM Playground, a no-code tool to prompt many open-source and proprietary LLMs at once: Claude, Gemma, GPT-4, Llama 2, Gemini, Phi-2, Mistral models, and more. Compare quality, cost, and performance. We built this playground to help AI enthusiasts and practitioners of all stripes easily “vibe check” popular LLMs. Key features include: 📌 Prompt multiple models at once 📌 18 models supported (8 open-source, 10 proprietary) 📌 Inference metrics (i/o token counts, throughput, inference cost) 📌 Persisted sessions (review and resume previous chat sessions) We'd love for you to try it out and share your feedback with us. Feel free to ask any questions, and we'll be more than happy to answer them. Thanks so much for your support, and we hope you enjoy using the LLM Playground! ✨