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AI Tools Directory - by Whalesync

Discover the newest AI-powered apps (>1,000 and growing)

AI Tools Directory is... well basically what the title says :) We've collected >1,000 of the latest AI tools so you can stay up-to-date. Find the AI tool you need using search, filter by role (e.g. "Engineering"), or filter by tag (e.g. "Vector Database").

Top comment

Every day it feels like 20 awesome new AI products get launched. Which is great... except it's impossible to keep up! At one point, I had 50+ bookmarks in Chrome just for new AI tools I wanted to try 🤯. To make it easier to stay up-to-date with the latest AI tools, we built AI Tools Directory. Search for the AI products you need based on name, role, or tags. Don't miss out on the best AI products that can help you do more.