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AI Memory

Your personal knowledge base to remember everything

Effortlessly build a personal knowledge base by memorizing crucial information with Flot AI Memory, recall it anytime, anywhere, simply by chatting with AI.

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Hello PH gang We are excited to unveil Flot AI Memory — your ultimate tool for effortlessly organizing and recalling information. We’re thrilled to have your support and hear your feedback! Why Did We Build Flot AI Memory? In today’s fast-paced world, keeping track of crucial details can be overwhelming. We've all faced the frustration of lost notes or forgotten insights. At Cubo World Inc., we built Flot AI Memory to solve this problem, enabling you to effortlessly save and recall information with the help of AI. How does it Work? Save Anywhere Highlight and click to save text and link from any app or website or drop screenshot and file to save into your AI memory. A single click ensures your important notes, meeting minutes, good websites, research docs, or inspiring quotes/screenshots are securely stored. Recall Anytime Retrieve your saved memories instantly, using a simple shortcut. Flot AI Memory ensures you can access your stored information anytime, anywhere. Transform How You Remember - 🧩 All-In-One Hub: Consolidate your vital information in one place, making it easily accessible. - 🔎 Engage Beyond Search: Flot not only retrieves information but helps you engage deeply with your saved data. - 📝 Personalized Recall: Access your notes quickly and efficiently, in your own words and style. High-fiving you from across the internet, Team Flot