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Black & white film emulator for iPhone, iPad & Mac

AgBr is a black & white film emulator for iPhone/iPad/Mac. A minimal interface that makes it straightforward to process your photos with 11 film recreations. Free to download, with advanced processing & export options available for a one-time in app purchase.

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Hi Product Hunt! This is Guillaume ( and Alvaro (, and we're so excited to finally launch AgBr - a black and white film emulator for iPhone/iPad/Mac.

We're both passionate photographers, and black and white film photography holds the most special place in our hearts. But like most people we also shoot lots of digital images with our phones every day, so we wanted to build something that would bridge the two worlds.

Our approach with this app was to design a tool that could be used just as well by casual photographers who want a straightforward way to give a unique look to their images, as well as pros who want to experiment with something fresh and different.

The last thing we wanted to do was make yet another photo editor where you get lost fidgeting with dozens of sliders, curves, and widgets - instead we set out to come up with an editing flow inspired by the darkroom process, where you learn to trust your eyes and build your intuition. With a few swipes in AgBr you can sweep through film emulations, quickly refine the processing, and export your final image.

While we've been building AgBr since last summer, it's part of a much longer journey of research and development into film emulation - including Alvaro's work on the BLACK app for Windows Phone/iOS (2014), and NOIZE preset series for Lightroom (2023).

This public release is just the first step for us - we'll be adding a new film emulation to the app every month through all of 2025; we've got tons of additional new features on our todo list; but most of all, we're especially excited to hear from people all over the world so we can make AgBr as good as we can.

Definitely share your shots and feedback with us here, or on social media :)