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Celebrate Christmas, AI Style

With AdventAI, unwrap 1️⃣2️⃣ Open-source AI Apps you can build with Toolhouse and any LLM you choose. Use them, make them yours, and monetize them!

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Hello Builders! 👋 Toolhouse has always looked out for its community, and there's nothing we believe in more than giving the love we receive back to you folks! 🫶 In the days leading up to Christmas, many developers like myself have time on their hands to finally work on new side projects. Getting started can be difficult, and finding the right ideas is time-consuming. Over the past many weeks, our team has been regularly discussing how we can help bridge the gap between idea and execution and help not just our users but everyone in the AI space build the next big thing. 💥 Yes, the Toolhouse Playground gives you recommendations, but what if you could simply fork a new, ready-to-use app each day, and make it your own? A little tweaking, some authentication, and BOOM, you can start marketing your app and generating revenue! 💸 I am super excited to introduce Advent AI, powered by Toolhouse! Unlock a new app now and celebrate Christmas, AI style! 🎉 We are actively on the lookout for contributors, and of course, feedback! Don't hesitate to reach out!