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1000 Happy Dads

Send love to dad with AI personalized gratitude letters

We created a customized AI-assistant that lets you share memories (over voice or text) and writes a heartfelt letter + a fun shareable graphic that will automatically be sent to you over email. We just built the MVP and are looking for validation :)

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Hi Product Hunters! 👔Write a thoughtful letter of gratitude to your father for Father Day using AI. Last week, we were thinking of gifts to give our fathers for Father's Day and created something emotional and memorable for them. 1000 Happy Dads helps you write the best letter for your father or someone you look up to. We built a multi-prompt questionnaire that adapts questions based on your previous responses. You can share your responses via voice or text input. We will then create a fun shareable graphic and a letter to send to your Father or someone you admire. We’re offering this for free initially for the first 1000 users. Your letter of gratitude: ✉️❤️ Personalized Letters: Craft unique and heartfelt letters tailored to your relationship with your dad. 🤖📬 AI-Powered Gratitude Monk: Our Gratitude Monk helps you think through memories to write the best letter. 💻✨ Ease of Use: Our user-friendly interface guides you through the process, making it seamless and enjoyable. 📬📜 Printing and Mailing (coming soon): We handle the printing and mailing, ensuring your letter arrives beautifully presented. 🖼️✔️ Preview Before Sending (coming soon): Ensure your letter looks perfect before it’s printed and sent. Please leave comments and share it with friends and family who may find it valuable. We’re still in the MVP stage and just started building this on Tuesday evening. We are so excited to share this with you, please give us any feedback to help us iterate and build a better product.