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Swipe to call; find your customers with a swipe, free to try

Swipe to call function with our private list of businesses. Swipe through our business cards and call the US and Canada free. If you see a business that matches your product or services, just swipe right to dial. With our Ai assistant you won't miss.

Top comment

Hi again Product Hunt and Company! We made this really cool app to help people find customers. Not just small companies but also really big companies. Everyone has a phone number but it takes more effort to call and connect. We hope to facilitate meeting your goals by providing you sales and connivence of swiping and unlimited calling in the US and CAN 🇨🇦 🇺🇸 Also if you jump on our ship now with a year subscription, it will protect you from price increases when we upgrade our services and features arrrg 🏴‍☠️ Also we give you five free swipes a day to try it out. Thanks Richard Founder of Midicall